Precious Publishing specializes in taking your writing ideas from conception to fruition. We know that your stories are precious to you, and we'll do everything we can to help see your work published.

All of our books are available online from in both print and Kindle formats. You are the author, we are the publisher, and the world's biggest bookstore is the global distributor.

Have an idea for a book? Contact us today!

Note: Our next free meeting of Precious Publishing Academy is on May 4, 2024. We are concluding our poetry series on addiction with an upbeat focus on hope & recovery. Join our mailing list or contact us for full details.


We have several imprints that focus on unique areas of publishing:
  • Anthology Alliance: Collected volumes of work edited towards a unifying theme
  • CTS Press: Books related to the interplay between technology and society
  • Precious Poetry: Poems that delight and refresh
  • Writing Life: Books about writing - the art, the craft, and the business of becoming an author


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